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Great Deal!

I had a ninja for years, but the motor finally died on me so it was time for an upgrade. I was skeptical but try it. I can honestly say I’m so happy I came across it. It’s so powerful! This thing pulverizes anything you put in there leaving behind creamy goodness. It also crushes ice like a champ. For the price you won’t find a better deal. It’s made with fantastic and strong materials, and the easy to understand buttons that make it a breeze to operate. I couldn’t be more pleased with this purchase.

Anita Jora

Its a very powerful blender

This blender is very powerful. Haven’t had a blender in a while and having to pull the base off to clean the jug and base was a pain on old style blenders. This blender all you do Is add some water and soap and run for a couple of seconds and rinse. It’s awesome. Ive only made smoothies in the morning and it breaks up everything and smoothies come out smooth no extra unwanted ice chunks. Digital display looks great. Blender is modern and I can leave on counter not one of those appliances that are a eyesore if left out


Most powerful at fraction of the price

This game at the perfect time! I’ve been on a health kick and been replacing a lot of meals! This blender is honestly the most powerful, yet quiet blender that I’ve ever had. It makes smoothies, shakes, and even making salsa super easy. Plus a simple and effective clean up is an added benefit!

Antonio Gigs
IMG 7965 1 1

See Our Products In Action

Eat Your Way To Better Health. Experience Real Magic In Your Kitchen!

We have another winner! Congratulations @alvinoflagos__official 🎉🎈You got N2.5million to support your small business. 
We’ve been able to support  3 businesses with 2.5million/ each. Unfortunately, this edition of small business empowerment has come to an end. We hope to do more in the future. 
Congratulations to all winners , we pray that you put this to good use🙏❤️ #buchymix #buchymixgivingback

We have another winner! Congratulations @alvinoflagos__official 🎉🎈You got N2.5million to support your small business.
We’ve been able to support 3 businesses with 2.5million/ each. Unfortunately, this edition of small business empowerment has come to an end. We hope to do more in the future.
Congratulations to all winners , we pray that you put this to good use🙏❤️ #buchymix #buchymixgivingback

16110 1098
Congratulations @chidinmaspecial. God bless your hardwork🙏❤️

Congratulations @chidinmaspecial. God bless your hardwork🙏❤️ ...

1910 375
Congratulations @chidinmaspecial  please send your account details

Congratulations @chidinmaspecial please send your account details ...

6073 623
@megasuperstorebytofunmi has been credited. Congratulations!

@megasuperstorebytofunmi has been credited. Congratulations! ...

1114 293
Congratulations @megasuperstorebytofunmi ! #Buchymix is supporting your small business with N2.5 million .  Pease send in your account details

Congratulations @megasuperstorebytofunmi ! #Buchymix is supporting your small business with N2.5 million . Pease send in your account details ...

2870 428
Please reach out to us if you made payment to any personal account number during your purchase at our Ajah store or any other store. You will be highly appreciated ❤️🙏

Please reach out to us if you made payment to any personal account number during your purchase at our Ajah store or any other store. You will be highly appreciated ❤️🙏 ...

441 2
How to dice with our 12 in one food processor #buchymix

How to dice with our 12 in one food processor #buchymix ...

1112 98
Thank you isn’t just enough. We love and adore you 🤗❤️

Thank you isn’t just enough. We love and adore you 🤗❤️ ...

430 155
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